Art Contest
Friday August, 03 2018

Once again, we’re challenging artists across the realm to take up their pencils, brushes, styluses, and tools to create works inspired and themed after FINAL FANTASY XIV! The Art Contest is not limited to Fan Festival attendees, so whether you're going to the show or not, now is the time to begin crafting your art! Finalists will have the unique opportunity to have their work on display at the event and earn some incredible prizes too!
Read on for full contest details.
Once again, we’re challenging artists across the realm to take up their pencils, brushes, styluses and tools to create works inspired and themed after FINAL FANTASY XIV! The Art Contest is not limited to Fan Festival attendees, so whether you're going to the show or not, now is the time to begin crafting your art! Finalists will have the unique opportunity to have their work on display at Fan Festival 2018 in Las Vegas and earn some incredible prizes too!
We have two categories for adventurers to enter, Illustrated Works and Physical Works. We'll be selecting 40 finalists for the Illustrated Works category, and 10 finalists for the Physical Works category to have their works displayed at the event. From there, the Fan Festival attendees will have a chance to vote and ultimately choose the winners in each category!
Official Rules:
The Official Rules for this Promotion consist of both (i) these key rules summarizing the important rules for participating in the Promotion (the “Key Rules”) and (ii) the Additional Promotion Official Rules (“Additional Rules”) applicable to your place of legal residence. Please review the Additional Rules at the following URL:
- For legal residents of any Promotion Jurisdiction (defined below) located in North America, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean:
- For legal residents of any Promotion Jurisdiction (defined below) located in North America, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean:
This Promotion is open only to individuals who are legal residents and physically and permanently located in one of the following countries/territories at the date and time of entry (the “Promotion Jurisdiction”):
- The fifty (50) states of the United States of America
- Canada (excluding Quebec)
Age Limit:
This Promotion is open only to individuals 13 years of age or older, and who have reached the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence, at the date and time of entry.
Entry Period:
You may enter the Promotion only between August 3, 2018 at 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time and October 1, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time (the “Entry Period”).
Entry Procedure and Limitations:
In order to enter the Promotion, you must complete the following steps during the Entry Period:
Step One:
Create an illustrated / painted (either physical or digital), crafted or sculpted piece of art (an “Entry”) themed and related to Final Fantasy XIV in one of the two following categories:
- Illustrated Works
- Physical Works
Physical illustrations, paintings, or any other 2 dimensional work must be scanned, photographed or otherwise uploaded and submitted in the “Illustrated Works” category.
When submitting digital art entries, you must upload your image to an external website and provide us a link to view and download your art (such as Flickr, Imgur, etc.). Please note that some image hosting websites, such as Flickr, will delete images when an account is inactive for a certain amount of time, so make sure to verify this when choosing a site to host your entry image.
Sculpted, physical handcrafted multidimensional entries must be submitted in the “Physical Works” category.
Sponsor reserves the right to change the category for an Entry at Square Enix’s sole discretion.
Digital images must be either .jpg or .png format and must be high resolution (minimum 150 dpi, 300 dpi preferred. Entrants may use image editing software to alter, enhance or otherwise style their entries.
Please note that all entries must be the original creative work of the player submitting the entry. You may not submit works created by another person.
Step Two:
Submit the Entry to Square Enix via one (1) of the two (2) following methods:
- For digital entries, upload the Entry to a publicly-accessible, third party website and submit a link to the entry via email to:
- For physical, non-digital entries, submit the entry via mail to:
- Square Enix, Inc.
ATTN: Fan Festival 2018 Art Contest
999 N. Sepulveda Blvd., 3rd Floor
El Segundo, CA 90245, USA
- Square Enix, Inc.
- For digital entries, upload the Entry to a publicly-accessible, third party website and submit a link to the entry via email to:
Step Three:
Provide the following information along with the Entry:
- Entrants Square Enix account username
Note: Square Enix will deliver physical prizes to the address registered to the Entrant’s Square Enix account. Entrants should confirm that their registered address is correct - Character Name and World
- Title
- URL of uploaded entry (if applicable)
- Entrants Square Enix account username
Step One:
Winner Selection:
The Sponsor (listed below), or Sponsor’s designee, shall select 40 finalists from the Illustrated Works category and 10 finalists from the Physical Works category. The 50 total finalists will be selected by the Sponsor using the following methodology:
- Technical quality of the art piece
- Originality of the art piece
- Creativity of the art piece
- Artistic elements of the art piece
Sponsor will display the Finalists’ entries at the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2018 in Las Vegas venue, where attendees will select the ultimate winners from the eligible finalists based on their own voting criteria.
Sponsor shall collect votes from participating Fan Festival attendees to determine a Grand Prize, Second Place and Third Place winner from each of the following categories: Illustrated and Physical Works.
Fifty (50) Finalists shall receive the following prize:
- A New In-Game Hairstyle (In-game Item)
- A New In-Game Hairstyle (In-game Item)
Third place (2 Total Winners) winners will receive the following prizes:
- FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood Art of the Revolution – Western Memories (Signed by Naoki Yoshida) (approximate retail value of $39.99 USD)
- Namazu Plush (approximate retail value of $34.99 USD)
Second place (2 Total Winners) winners will receive the following:
- FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood Art of the Revolution – Western Memories (Signed by Naoki Yoshida) (approximate retail value of $39.99 USD)
- Stormblood: FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack (Signed by Mashayoshi Soken, Naoki Yoshida) (approximate retail value of $49.99 USD)
- Namazu Plush (approximate retail value of $34.99 USD)
Grand Prize Winners (2 Total Winners) will receive the following prizes:
- Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume II (Signed by Naoki Yoshida, Koji Fox, Natsuko Ishikawa, Banri Oda) (approximate retail value of $49.99 USD)
- FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood Art of the Revolution – Western Memories (Signed by Naoki Yoshida) (approximate retail value of $39.99 USD)
- Stormblood: FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack (Signed by Mashayoshi Soken, Naoki Yoshida) (approximate retail value of $49.99 USD)
- Namazu Plush (approximate retail value of $34.99 USD)
Fifty (50) Finalists shall receive the following prize:
Winner Notification:
Sponsor, or Sponsor’s designee, will notify winner(s) by or about December 16, 2018. Winners will be announced on the Lodestone ( and the official FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival in Las Vegas 2018 website.
The sponsor of this Promotion is Square Enix, Inc.
By entering the Promotion, you agree to be bound and abide by these Key Rules and the Additional Rules applicable to your place of legal residence, and you represent that you satisfy all eligibility requirements to enter the Promotion.
*Note that the pictures are from a past event.