The FEAST Regional Championship 2018
Thursday July, 12 2018

The Feast Regional Championship 2018 (FRC) is the official FFXIV tournament that will determine the victor of the Feast in North America!
The Feast Regional Championship (FRC) 2018 are a series of official FINAL FANTASY XIV tournaments being held in each region to determine the ultimate victor of the Feast in North America, Europe, and Japan. The tournament will begin with in-game preliminaries where teams battle it out to climb the official leaderboard using the online duty-finder. From there, 3 teams for each respective data center will move on to the semi-finals!
Teams that emerge victorious in the semi-finals will be invited to their local Fan Festival to take part in the finals to decide the first ever regional champions!
For the Aether and Primal data centers, the top 3 teams of each data center will progress through the semi-finals. These teams will fight against each other in a round-robin format resulting in the best 2 teams of each data center moving on to the Fan Festival in Las Vegas as finalists. Four teams will travel to Las Vegas in hopes of becoming the first champions in North America, but only one team will remain in the end!
Prizes will be awarded to the teams who passed the preliminaries and semi-finals, and to the regional champions as well! Prizes will be awarded to each member of the team individually.
• Trophy
• Three years of FINAL FANTASY XIV game time
• An In-game Title
We will also be awarding a gaming laptop, gaming mouse, and gaming headset to each of the champions!
Teams that place in the top 10 teams per data center during the preliminaries will receive an in-game title as well. Teams that are invited to participate in the finals will also receive an in-game title!
The preliminaries are currently underway. All information regarding the FRC and the rankings are on the special website!