Art Contest Winners
Wednesday February, 27 2019

The talent of the community keeps on growing, and we had an amazing Fan Art Gallery at the event! The attendees have cast their votes and we are now ready to announce our winners!
Click here to view the finalists and winners!
It was our first time holding a contest like this at an event and we hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we did!
Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners.
- Grand winner
Let Us End this War by Nibu Chuni
- Runners up
Haurchefant, Confidence in Heaven by Chimaera Inferna
Sword Block by Tamiara Tami
Plum Spring Party by Xaraphiel Tutelar
- Finalists
Raid Preparations by Yehn'zi Nelhah You Made Me A God of War by Xallan Vanscarter
Lamentation of Shattered Hearts by Wolrin Ji Heavensward by Tsar'nai Qalli
Memories of Old Friendship by Skelera Nanashi Caught 'em All ? by Siglianda Dalalar
Elakha & Sinh by Sicae Le Team Stackpig: Alphascape Omeggeddon by Schrykho Kharlu
Selfie by Sasato Nox Storm of Blood by Rune Lohjika
We Fought Lakshmi Together !! by Raat Bey'bi Tataru's Drawing About How They Used to Be by Nanaho Naho
Heavensfall by Onyrica Al'erye Tsukuyomi by Mirai Hikari
Estinien and Nidhogg by Khaz Neuri Beast Tribe - Quest Accepted : "Roasting a New Dish" by I'dril Zarka
The Light is More Beautiful Through the Darkness by Furan Lucis Alpha by Fabled Fox
When the Light is too shine by Evrae Ashitar'ha Invite to Adventure by Dash Novus
Adventure by Coco Ariyala Apple Trees in the Shroud by Cendrillon Nicot
Action Learned ! by Asgard Erwin On Top of the City by Alesc F'aherl
My Feathered Friend Wall Hanging by Phoenix Flame Lunar Cry by Khael Zhwan
*The prizes will be delivered to the address registered to your Square Enix Account.
*The in-game prizes will be delivered before the end of March.