Announcing Glamoured to Life Check-in Details and Cosplay Support

We're pleased to announce the Glamoured to Life check-in details for Fan Festival 2023 in Las Vegas and what costumed attendees can expect when arriving on site for check-in and for the stage event. Additionally, we would like to share information on the “Cosplay Room” that will be available for use by attendees as well.
Back in April, we asked attendees to pre-register their interest in participating in our cosplay stage event Glamoured to Life. We're ecstatic to announce that we had nearly 500 attendees show their interest in participating in the live stage event! Due to the extremely high interest to participate, we will hold check-ins to confirm 100 walk slots for the Glamoured to Life stage event on both Thursday, July 27 and Friday, July 28.
- All costumed attendees who are confirmed a walk slot in the Glamoured to Life stage event must agree and sign an Event Release Form. This form will be distributed to attendees when they check-in.
- Multiple check-in time slots will be available to accommodate for varying arrival times of attendees.
- Check-ins to confirm your participation in the Glamoured to Life stage event will be held on a first come-first serve basis for each designated time slot.
- Attendees who registered their interest as a group will be counted as one walk slot. Only one member from a group needs to be present at check-in to confirm a walk slot for the group. The group member confirming the walk slot will be provided multiple Event Release Forms for group members. All group members must still agree and turn in a signed Event Release Form by 9:30 a.m. (PDT) on Friday, July 28 to a check-in staff member located in the Cosplay Room before being allowed to walk on stage.
- Each walk slot is determined by a group or individual walking on stage. To accommodate more costumed attendees on stage, we may ask individuals if they are comfortable being with other costumed attendees during their time on stage.
- Any attendee who previously registered their interest to participate in Glamoured to Life and checks-in during the designated times below will be eligible to receive their in-game prize, regardless of their ability to participate in the live stage event. Each individual of a group must still check-in to confirm their eligibility for prizing.
Glamoured to Life - Cosplay Walk Check-in Location and Time
Location: Las Vegas Convention Center, North Hall, 2nd Floor - Cosplay Room (N259/N261)
Thursday, July 27 (Registration Day)
- 25 Walk Slot Check-ins: 11:00 a.m. – 1:59 p.m. (PDT)
- 25 Walk Slot Check-ins: 2:00 p.m. – 4:59 p.m. (PDT)
- 25 Walk Slot Check-ins: 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (PDT)
We encourage all attendees who plan to check-in on Thursday, July 27 to bring digital photos of their costumes to share with the check-in staff. While we cannot guarantee additional walk slots, Square Enix may select some additional attendees to walk on-stage for the Glamoured to Life Showcase or be on standby outside of the designated 100 check-in slots at their discretion.
Friday, July 28 (Day 1)
- 25 Walk Slot Check-ins: 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. (PDT)
Glamoured to Life – Cosplay Walk (Stage Event)
Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (PDT)
At check-in, those who are confirmed a walk slot or placed on standby will be given instructions about the location to gather at 4:00 p.m. (PDT) to prepare for the live stage event.
Cosplay Room
We have created a separate space off the show floor for attendees who need to adjust or change aspects of the cosplay they’re wearing. We will also be providing a few items that may help to touch up or make minor repairs to a part of your outfit. We will have different changing areas within the room (blocked by curtains), but these are not intended to be used as the main method for changing into or out of a cosplay. There are not enough rooms for everyone to use for that purpose, so please consider this an additional method to assist attendees who need to make some adjustments or changes while at the event.
Costume Guidelines
Please remember to adhere to all of our costume guidelines.