Announcing Glamoured to Life!

We're pleased to announce Glamoured to Life, our cosplay stage event at Fan Festival 2023 in Las Vegas! Costumed attendees at the Fan Festival are welcome to sign up for an onstage event where they can showcase their outfits designed after a favorite character, creature, or their own Warrior of Light.
All costumed attendees who check in at the event will also receive an in-game item, so come costumed, enjoy the event, and go home with a glam for your character!
As we get closer to the event, we'll provide more details on the area and times costumed attendees will be able to check-in.
* We will try to accommodate as many costumed attendees as possible who would like to participate, however due to the increased size of the event and stage schedule please note we may be unable to allow all interested participants access to walk on stage.
* Additionally, due to security concerns, there is a possibility that some of guidelines may change before the day of the event. If any changes are to be made, it will be announced on the Fan Festival website as an update, so please keep an eye out for any updates.
Entry Requirements
- Must be attending the Fan Festival 2023 in Las Vegas event in person
- Must agree to the Costume Guidelines
Entry Period
From Friday, April 21, 2023 at 12:00 a.m. (PDT) to Friday, June 30, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. (PDT)
Registering Your Interest
- You may sign up as an individual or as a group. When signing up as a group, every group member will need to sign up themselves and provide the same unique Party Password for your group.
* Please try to make the password unique for your group.
How to Use the Entry Submission Form
Proceed to the Entry Submission Form.
- After visiting the submission page, log in with your Square Enix Account.

2. Enter the required information. After you log in, the entry submission form will be displayed. Fill out all the required information.
- Character Name
- Home World Name
- The URL to your Character Profile on Lodestone
(Ex. - Nickname
- Who will you be cosplaying as
- Brief Comment
- Desired In-game Item Prize (See Prize section)
- Will you be cosplaying with a group
- If you are in a group, how many is your group? (Max 12)
- If you are in a group, please provide a Party Password for your group.
* Please try to make the password unique for your group.

- Confirm the details of your submission.
On this screen, you can confirm the information you’ve entered. Make sure there are no errors in the submitted information and select “Submit Entry” to proceed if there are no errors. If you would like to edit your submitted information, select "Edit Entry."
Once you finish submitting your entry, the following screen will be displayed.

All cosplayers who sign up and check in at the counter shall each receive one (1) in-game item of their choice from the items below:
- Ahriman Choker
- Bluebird Earring
- Gaelicap
- Great Paraserpent
- Mandragora Choker
- Modern Aesthetics – Strife
- Noble Barding
- Scarf of Wondrous Wit

- All in-game prizes are non-transferrable and will only be delivered to the character specified upon entry.
In-game prizes items listed above are scheduled to be delivered on or about August 31, 2023.
We look forward to seeing the creativity and passion of the cosplayers in our community as they bring their favorite aspects of FFXIV to life!